All Paintings and Drawings are available in 8"x10" or 4"x 6" Prints
"Imam Warith Deen Mohammad" - original pastel painting $1500.00
"Imam Warith Deen Mohammad" - Print Available only in 8 X 10 $45.OO un-framed
" THE OLD SOLDIER " Pastel painting- only Prints Available in 8 X 10 $45.OO un-framed
" The Last Ice Run" Print Available only in 8 X 10 $45.OO un-framed
This painting was completed in front of Live streaming audience. it is now up for bid. Starting bid is $300.00 for this 20 x 16 musically inspired Acrylic landscape.
"The Ice Cove"- Print Available only in 8 X 10 $45.OO un-framed